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Become A Whole Yoga Teacher


Study With Circle Yoga Shala At Sixth House Studio

Through these programs, you can be recognized at the 200RYT and 500RYT levels, and receive CEUs through the Yoga Alliance. The Circle Yoga Shala is one of only 40+ accredited Yoga Therapy schools worldwide, and has been a registered school with the National Yoga Alliance since 1999.  Please join our teachers from the Ozark Mountains for this very special offering in Downtown Little Rock! 

200 RYT

March '23 thru October '23

Deposit: $200

Program Fee: $2,650


Due at least 15 days before program start and is refundable (100%) 15 days before the program start date. See school policies for further details. Payment plan option available.

200 RYT

200 RYT Curriculum

Hatha Yoga

  • 5 techniques: Asana (Stillness), Pranayama (Breath), Vinyasa (Rhythm), Bandha (Integration) Drushti (Presence)

  • Core Actions: Lengthening and Broadening (discover what actions are universal and must be taken to be stable and at ease in each posture)

  • Method of Teaching: how to language, organize and disseminate lessons to public classes.

  • Joint Anatomy and the Spiral Body

  • Pranayama, Meditation and Kriyas

200 RYT Schedule

Int 1: May 5th-7th

Int 2: June 9th-11th

Int 3: July 7th-9th

Int 4: Aug 4th-6th

Int 5: Sept 8th-10th

Int 6: Oct 13th-15th

Int 7: Nov 10th-12th

Daily Schedule

Fri: 2:00pm - 6:00pm

Sat: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Sun: 9:00am - 3:00pm

(breaks will be included)

Want to learn more?

January  2022 Workshops Insta Post (1).png

200 Hour YTT Trainers

Holly Krepps
co-owner and creator of the Circle Yoga Shala

Holly Krepps is the co-owner and creator of the Circle Yoga Shala in Jasper, Arkansas (one of only 50 internationally accredited yoga therapy schools). She has over 11,000 hours invested in teaching, with more than 8,000 of those hours in the training of whole Yoga Teachers. She has facilitated workshops, teacher trainings, and private one-on-one sessions in the US, as well as Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, and the Virgin Islands. Students from Germany, France, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic have traveled to work with her at the Shala.

300 RYT
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